Leech Protocol

4th Incentivization Epoch Started!

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our 4th incentivization epoch!

  1. Claim Your Rewards: If you’ve provided liquidity during our first, 2nd, or 3rd incentivization epoch, it’s time to claim your well-deserved rewards! Your efforts are appreciated, and you can find the Claim button in the app.leechprotocol.com. Rewards will be sent to the BNB chain. Ask us any questions in our community chat!
  2. 4th Epoch Details: Our 4th incentivization epoch for all pools (+25% APR per year) kicks off on October 27th and extends until November 10th. To be eligible for yields, you must provide liquidity for at least 2 weeks.
  3. Withdraw Anytime: You can withdraw your liquidity at any time during the 4th epoch and be eligible for rewards in the proportion of days you provided liquidity.
  4. Details: While you can withdraw your liquidity at any time, rewards can only be claimed after the conclusion of the 4th epoch of incentivization. To claim 100% of rewards, you must have provided liquidity for the entire 14-day duration. If you provided liquidity for fewer days, the proportion will be applied (e.g., 5 days of liquidity provision will entitle you to 5/14 of the total reward).

Stay Updated! To stay in the loop about all things LeechProtocol, join our community and follow us on social media. Engage with us on Twitter for real-time updates, announcements, and exciting news about our platform.

What should you do next?

  • Provide liquidity via our farming App
  • Follow our Twitter for more DeFi and YieldFarming tips
  • Join our Telegram for Daily Farming discussion
  • Join our Discord to claim your roles and become an early community member
